certified SDG Impacts
Project Type
Gold Standard Certified Project
Project Attributes
Project Developer
ACM0002 Grid-connected electricity generation from renewable sources
Crediting Period
Jun 12, 2023 ― Jun 11, 2028
Standards Version
Gold Standard for the Global Goals
Annual Estimated Credits
Project Scale
Large Scale
Project Type
The purpose of the Cabo Leones Wind Farm is the generation of renewable electric energy with wind power technology in Chile. The project has a total installed capacity of 175.5 MW, an annual net electricity generation of 403,955 MWh and an emission reduction of 276,706 tCO2 each year. The electricity generated by the project supplies to the National Electric System (SEN in Spanish). It is expected that, when the project becomes fully operational, will displace fossil fuel fired power stations avoiding the emission of 316,417 tCO2 each year and 1,936,963 tCO2 during the first crediting period. As the project activity is a greenfield renewable energy power plant, the scenario existing prior its implementation is a semi-desert, sparse vegetated, coastal winded pasture and shrub land, where neither facilities nor crops existed previously. According to the ACM0002, as the project activity is the installation of a new grid-connected renewable power plant, the baseline scenario is the “electricity delivered to the grid by the project activity would have otherwise been generated by the operation of grid-connected power plants and by the addition of new generation sources, as reflected in the combined margin (CM) calculations described in the “Tool to calculate the emission factor for an electricity system”. Baseline scenario would be a continuation of the current practice. The project activity increases the percentage of renewable sourced power in the Chilean grids, promoting the growth of renewable capacity and diversifying the Chilean generation mix, significantly contributing to the sustainable development of the region. This represents a quite important solution, as the SIC (Central Interconnected System) electric generation mix was mainly weighted towards fossil fuels.
Issuance List
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Certification Documents
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